Commercialization of Health Care

The commercialization of health care has been a hotly contested topic. Nonetheless, it is a growing market sector that is attracting consumers from all over the world. But does this process have a detrimental impact on the quality of health care? We will consider this issue in this article. We will also examine the implications of commercialization in health care. Here are some possible outcomes of this trend. Let’s begin by exploring the impact of commercialization on health care quality.

While commercialization of health care might improve quality, it could also reduce per capita expenditure and make it more expensive. While doctors may charge higher prices for services, a high-quality service should be provided at a reasonable price. Moreover, the government could improve the standards of public and private hospitals and appoint proper regulatory authorities to ensure high quality. However, commercialization of health care can be harmful to health because it can increase the price of medical treatment and make hospitals unaffordable for rural people. Furthermore, doctors whose salaries are based on profit may demand more tests and treatments than are necessary for patients. Poor people cannot afford to pay these costs.

On the other hand, commercialization of health care can be beneficial if it is done correctly. In a free market, the profit motive of the health care industry will lead to a rise in costs. Similarly, the lack of social responsibility of individuals can lead to higher rates of medical malpractice claims. But if we follow the right rules and regulations, the commercialization of health care will be good for our society and our lives.

On the other hand, commercialization of health care violates the dignity of patients and the trust of physicians. Patients should trust their doctors to make the best medical decisions for their health. But, in a for-profit environment, doctors are placed under lay managers who are ultimately accountable to shareholders. In a for-profit hospital, doctors are encouraged to recommend only profitable drugs and surgeries, thereby discouraging patients from opting for treatments with less profit potential.

As a result, the commercialization of health care has increased the cost of medical care. While the public sector cannot compete with pharmaceutical companies in terms of cost, it can compete on the basis of quality. This competition will improve overall efficiency and quality of health care. However, there is still a need for better regulations. This may be difficult in the absence of a national health insurance policy, but the private sector must not be left out.

The study also showed that students were willing to accept assertions that commercialization of health care is detrimental to patients’ health and the health of society. Nonprofit hospitals undertake expensive research and maintain services that are not profitable. These services also provide valuable training experiences for doctors. Meanwhile, for-profit hospitals largely neglect these services, leaving a shortage of vital services, while wasting scarce resources on highly profitable cosmetic surgery. Thus, preventing the commercialization of health care is essential.

By mobileshiksha

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