The Novel Langya Henipavirus Found in China

The novel Langya Henipavirus has been found in the blood and throat swabs of febrile patients in China’s northeastern provinces. As of late last week, the virus has been confirmed in 35 cases across China. Initial symptoms include cough, fever, loss of appetite, aches and fatigue. Patients have also shown liver and blood cell abnormalities. This new virus has the potential to spread alarmingly.

The first detection of the virus occurred in north-eastern China in 2018. The genus was officially named last week. It belongs to the genus Langya henipavirus and is one of the most fatal viruses among zoonotic RNA viruses. Although most cases of this virus have mild flu-like symptoms, fatalities can reach seventy percent. The virus is spread by shrews and is believed to originate from hedgehogs and other small mammals.

The novel Langya henipavirus was first identified in the late 2018 and was formally named last week. The virus is likely to be transmitted from animals to humans. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have said that the virus has not yet spread from one human to another. While this is good news for those in Taiwan, researchers are still trying to understand its origins. In addition to bats, the new virus has been discovered in dogs, domestic goats and domestic cats.

The virus has been found in 35 people in China’s Henan and Shandong provinces. The symptoms associated with the virus include fever, fatigue, cough, coughing, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. There is no treatment for the virus yet and there is no known cure. Taiwan authorities are closely monitoring this new virus. They have set up new testing to monitor the transmission of the virus to humans.

As a zoonotic virus, Langya has been discovered in Taiwan and 35 people in China. Infection with the virus is believed to be sporadic and not related to close contact. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that three out of four new cases of human infection result from contact with infected animals. Moreover, climate change has also contributed to the increase in zoonotic viruses.

The disease has not been fatal or serious for human beings but the researchers are now investigating how it is transmitted from animal to human. Taiwan’s health ministry is also investigating the spread of the virus and looking for similar diseases in humans. The study has only affected 35 people, and of those, 26 people developed the symptoms. Most of the patients suffered from fever, muscle aches, fatigue, and cough. Some even experienced organ failure. But this is just a preliminary report.

By mobileshiksha

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